Voice SMS – make a phone call or send a text message using voice commands

Voice SMS allows you to send a message and make a phone call without using the keyboard. Just press the start button and say a contact name/phone number and short text to send.

Available on Samsung Galaxy Store


Q1. How to allow the app to send a text message?

A1.When you send a message for the first time – just accept requested permissions on your phone.

Q2. I do not see or missed the permission dialog. What can I do?

A2.1. Unpair phone and watch (i.e. remove Bluetooth connection)
A2.2. Restart phone and watch
A2.3. Pair phone and watch
A2.4. Launch the app on a watch and send a text message. Accept the requested permissions on a phone.

Q3. What languages are supported by the app? In which language can I send a text message?

A3. The app supports all languages of the Google Speech2Text system: https://cloud.google.com/speech-to-text/docs/languages

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Randi Guldborg

Which languages are supported? Because I’m looking for an app that will allow me to “dictate” my text messages in Danish.


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