☆ Powered by © OpenStreetMap project and © Google Cloud services ☆
☆ The app supports turn-by-turn commands in 23 languages ☆
Key Features And Functionality:
✓ Offline maps (PRO)
✓ Support for Google and OSM maps
✓ Turn-by-turn navigation with map and maneuver view (no limits in PRO)
✓ Voice search (PRO)
✓ Route tracking (PRO)
✓ Geocoding (PRO)
✓ Automatic route recalculation
✓ Searching places and addresses with autocomplete option
✓ Searching best route based on your preferences – avoid tolls, motorways etc.
✓ Three route modes – walking, cycling, driving
✓ Route maneuvers preview
✓ ETA/speed/distance calculation
✓ Favourite and history list
✓ Map color customization
✓ Units selection – metric or imperial
✓ Lock screen mode – map is always visible
✓ Easy and intuitive configuration
GPS Navigation works in the standalone mode, it does not require any software on your phone.
☆ If you want to unlock PRO features download companion app:
☆ Privacy Policy:

Q1. How to unlock PRO features?
You can upgrade the application in four steps:
A1.1. Install free version in watch:
A1.2. Install companion app in phone:
A1.3. Buy the PRO licence using companion app
A1.4. Send licence to watch
Q2. How to fix offline map download?
A.2.1. Connect your watch to a charger
A2.2. Connect your watch to the Internet via Wi-Fi, disable Bluetooth
A2.3. Go to the app settings and activate Window Overlay
A2.4. Make sure you don’t have any adblock or antivirus software in your network that may block/disrupt data traffic
A2.5. Start downloading a map and check progress in the Download Manager app
This app supports importing gpx files?
Hello, not yet:) We will add this functionality in the future.
Hello. That’s the killer feature.
Does it have a date?
The app is already available in the Google Play store:)
Yes. I’ve already unlock the PRO version. 🙂
Do you have a planned release date of the feature?
Thanks. Best Regards
Добрый день. Не могу купить Pro версию для часов
Здравствуйте, попробуйте еще раз.
Или загрузите сопутствующее приложение для своего телефона и купите с телефона.
Hello, thank you for your question. The app can use payment methods supported by the store. If you have more questions – please contact us at support mail address.
Lies. The application does not provide a choice of payment method.
Hi, you can use Google Play or Huawei AppGallery to buy the PRO licence. You have to configure account in the listed stores.
Do I need to connect to a mobile phone to use this map?
Can it be used in the area without data service?
Can it be used in the Samsung galaxy watch 4?
Thank you.
Due to the huge number of locations/POIs, the Internet connection is required to find the best route.
After setting the route, you can turn off Bluetooth/Wi-Fi/Packet and continue navigation in offline mode.
And it is possible to use offline maps while tracking the route.
Can the app do the trail recording?
Just to reconfirm the function of importing GPX file for route is already in Pro version?
I am from Malaysia.
How much is it to purchase this Pro version?
Thank you.
Hello, if you connect your watch with phone you can see price in local currency.
I am considering buying Galaxy Watch 4. No watch to connect now and cannot see the price.
Possible to give me an indicative price?
Thank you.
Hi. Just purchased the app 🙂
Wanted to ask if you plan to support compas support? I would like the map to rotate like a compas if I turn around. Can’t explain to better. Hope you understood!
Hello, thank you for the feedback. We will add it in the future:)
Hallo, how can I use app (gps tracking) without mobile connect ?
You have to download the offline map, then go to the app menu and select Route tracking option.
If you want to track during navigation – go to the app settings and enable Autotracking option.
Everything is set but if I disconnect the watch from the mobile it will stop working tracking on watch.
Hello, please wait a while. GPS on a watch usually needs more time to find coordinates. You can go to the app menu and check the GPS Status report.
App is working smooth, was very impressed. However discovered a few bugs. I’m running it on my Galaxy watch 4 LTE classic , wear os 3.2
I know there is an option to leave the screen on. But it consumes too much battery. I prefer turn to wake the screen up and look at the map. However, the app closes to background After a minute or so, it’s still Running because I hear the turn notifications and feel fibrations but the map is not showing. I have to go to recent apps to show the map. Can this be fixed so the apps keeps on the foreground and it’s there when I raise my arm and wake the screen?
Yesterday I tested it while keeping the screen always on, like i said very smooth, but lots of battery drain. But after 20 minutes of navigation suddenly the app forced closed. Maybe a memory issue? I used offline maps Wich I downloaded before.
And 3th issue: when I make a destination and mark it as favourite, next time I select the favorite destination the app immediately crashes.
Anyway, i see a lot of potential in this app. Looking forward to gpx support especially!
Hi, thank you for the feedback:) We are working on it.
Great app, I just have a big issue with scrolling on Galaxy Watch 4, moving the map to the right closes the app as the watch detects it as the “back” gesture. Is there any workaround for this or a fix coming up? Thank you.
Thank you for the feedback! We will change this functionality in the next version.
I would like to ask if there is an offline map of Slovakia available for download because I cant seem to be able to find it.
Thank you for your feedback! We will update the offline maps list in the next version.
Добрый день! После обновления слетела лиценция, при попытки купить, пишет что лицензия уже есть и выдает ошибку. Как быть?
Привет, спасибо за отзыв. Это будет исправлено сегодня. Извините за беспокойство.
Hi, thank you for the feedback. It will be fixed today. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I am using it with Galaxy watch 4. How to turn the map screen always on.
Please add Bulgaria map !
Hello, thank you for the feedback:) Map of Bulgaria will be available in the next version.
What’s the map format? When I start the app it searchs the documents/map folder for maps. Is there a way to map a personalized map and put in that folder?
Hi, the app uses open street map format (in offline mode). Is it possible to customize map using themes. If you have more questions please contact us at support mail.
Hey, when I download an offline map it tells me to set it in the settings. But I don’t see a setting that has to do with offline maps. What am I supposed to set? Thanks in advance!
Please go to the app settings, tap on the Map option and select OSM Offline.
I find this confusing, for an end user the “Map” option appears to change the map style and has no clear connection to offline maps. Maybe move this to a checkbox option – “Use offline maps”? Or even better, when there is no data connection use it automatically.
Hi, to use Offline maps you have to select OSM Offline. Other selections change the map theme in online mode.
Świetna aplikacja i moim zdaniem najlepsza na galaxy watch 4😀
Ale jest problem – mapa polski offline znika z urządzenia.
Już dwa razy pobierałem i mapa znika mi z galaxy watch 4 🤥
Dziękujemy za opinię, problem został naprawiony w ostatniej wersji. Przepraszamy za niedogodności.
Why is United Arab Emirates not available for offline download?
Hi, it will be in the next app version.
Hey, when I disconnect my Galaxy Watch 4 from my phone and wi-fi (the watch is also non-LTE), it cannot get a GPS signal at all. It cannot find my current location whatsoever.
I haven’t bought the app yet so I’m imagining offline/standalone mode isn’t unlocked in any way, even for just current location, until you do?
Hello, the app uses internal GPS module. It is not so fast as in the phone. Please wait for 1-2 min in place where GPS signal is good.
Actually, it turns out that my watch’s GPS sensors are completely non-functional so my watch is defective. Thank you anyway though!
Hi! Thanks for the great app!
When do you plan to integrate the gpx import?
Would be quit handy with the offline maps.
Really looking forward to it!
Hi, thank you for the feedback. This functionality will be available soon.
I used the app perfectly on my watch 4 classic. But got watch 5 pro now and can’t seem to install gps navigator on it. Is it not yet compatible?
Nevermind i found the app by searching the watch app store, installed succesfully
Hello, device list has been updated. Thank you for the feedback.
Hi, as far as I see it the offline maps don’t support offline navigation yet. Is that a planned feature?
Additionally, it would be great if one could select multiple offline maps to download. Downloading all of Germany is quite cumbersome.
Due to the large number of locations/POIs (the app uses Google and OSM databases), the Internet connection is required to find the best route.
After setting the route, you can turn off Bluetooth/Wi-Fi/Packet and continue navigation in the offline mode.
And it is possible to use offline maps while tracking the route.
We will add offline route planning in the future
Hallo Somyac Team,
habe die Pro Version gekauft, kann aber diese nicht auf der Huawei Watch Pro aktivieren. Es wird auch keine Lizenz in der App auf der Uhr angezeigt. Die Lizenz wird nicht zur Uhr übertragen.
Hallo, bitte aktualisieren Sie die Telefonanwendung auf Version 1.3.0.
Diese Woche wird es eine neue Version der Watch-App geben (in der aktuellen kann es zu Problemen beim Rendern von Offline-Karten kommen).
Hello, i bought the pro version. But I can not download the offline map. The waiting logo is rolling on and the status is zero percentage always.
Also please add Map for India.
Hi, please upgrade the app to the newest version.
Hello, great app. How can I buy this Pro app from Russia if the store
applications won’t let me pay?
Hello, please download the companion app (2.0.2) from the AppGallery and check payment methods available in your location.
Hello i have the huawei watch 3 pro and i downloaded the companion app on my phone samsung note 20 ultra to be able to buy the pro version but although my watch is bluetooth conected, in the app is seen as disconected and i can not make the payment.
Thank you
Hello, please download the companion app (2.0.2) from the AppGallery and check the result.
It worked thank you
I can’t find the offline map of Hong Kong. Can you please add it in the future update? Many thanks!
Hello, thank you for the question! We will add requested map in the next app version.
Hi, When will the offline maps of Abkhazia and Georgia appear?
Hi, in the next version. Thank you for the feedback!
Okay, I’ll be waiting. I purchased the pro version.
В приложении есть возможность создавать маршруты при передвижении пешком, на велосипеде и автомобиле. Но есть люди и, думаю, их немало, кто передвигается общественным транспортом. Сложно ли реализовать этот момент в данном навигаторе?
Здравствуйте, спасибо за вашу идею. Добавим в список 🙂
Буду очень благодарна, если в одном из обновлений увижу Общественный транспорт в списке 🙂
Hi, first thanks for your work!
There’s a chance that this app will support magnetometer (..or compass) from the smartwatch to toggle the map during the use?
And the possibility to onlinesync of the poi’s?
I have a galaxy watch 5 pro.
Thanks again and have a nice day.
Hello, thank you for the feedback! Support for magnetometer will be added soon. Please send us (via support mail) your idea of the online sync of the POIs:)
Looking for an offline map for the Cayman Islands but it is not listed. Is it included in another offline map in the database?
Hi, we will add it if its possible in the next app version.
Is there a web based or internet application that you can export routes to view them on a laptop? I can export my routes to my phone but cannot open them.
Hi, please change the file extension from .xml to .gpx. You can use the online viewer:
Can you please tell me how to change the file extension? Can the file type be changed in the app or does it need to be converted?
You do not have to convert file type (file content). You can change the file extension using any file browser app on your phone or PC.
The offline map for the Japan area seems to be too large and cannot be downloaded to Watch, which has minimal space.
Is it possible to make it possible to split it into separate downloads for each region, as is the case with Canada and Deutschland?
Other than that it works very comfortably.
Thanks for a great app!
Hi, please send us your watch model using support mail:)
downloaded few gb of maps than trying to download otber maps, after finnishing the download i get error 13. Why?
Huawei watch 3-FC2.
Thank you.
Hello, please check if you have free memory space in your watch for new maps.
5Gb free. Anyway the map goes on but at the end says error 13. Downloaded another 2Gb of maps with same error but everything works as normal.
Thank you.
Hi, is there anyway to import .gpx files to the app?
Thanks a lot.
Hello, it will be available in the next app version.
Hi. I recently purchased Pro version for Huawei Watch 3 Pro. But i cannot find a way how to put custom point on map, let say to navigate from curent loc to droped pin on map or sometning.Only online by searching adress or POI. Maybe some video tutorial in Youtube will be very helpfull
Ich habe die Pro-Version. Wie kann ich meine Tracks von der Watch exportieren?
Hallo, öffnen Sie die GPX-Trackliste und tippen Sie auf die Schaltfläche „Bearbeiten“, um die GPX-Trackdetails zu öffnen.
Witam na poczatku chce bardzo podziekowac za aplikacje. Dlugo szukalem takiej w ktorej mozna pobrac bezposrednio mapy na zegarek i w koncu znalazlem. Odrazu kupilem wersje PRO. Mam tylko pytanie dlaczego mapy OSM nie mozna przyblizyc w takim stopniu jak mapy domyslnej. Po pobraniu mapy rowniez jest to niemozliwe a przez to niektore informacje sa poprostu nieczytelne. Mysle ze oprocz tego aplikacji nic nie brakuje. Prosze poprawcie to.
Witam, dziękujemy za feedback! W kolejnej wersji aplikacji uwzględnimy Pana uwagi:)
This is a fantastic app.
I am using it on my Galaxy Watch 5 Pro and PixelWatch. I know the app allows Route tracking but is there a way use track back or using reverse route to navigate on this this app?
Many thanks.
Hello, it will be available (soon) in the next app versions 🙂
Thanks for the reply. Can’t wait for the next version! Please hurry up 😊
Thank you!
Hi, Do you supports import of gpx files yet?
Hello, it will be available (soon) in the next app versions 🙂
When I use the route tracker feature to track a route, how can I track back from that route or use like reverse route?
Many thanks for this amazing App. It was great on my Google Pixel Watch.
Hello, it will be available in the next app version.
Hi, is it possible to use OpenTopoMap (the topographic version of OpenStreetMap), as OpenStreetMap are pretty unusable in the mountains, where OpenTopoMap are great?
Thank you.
Hi, thank you for the nice idea. We will check it:)
I mean with contours and shading 🙂
Po pobraniu kilku map offline nie da się wyświetlić wszystkich map jednocześnie, tzn. widać tylko mapę jednego państwa.
Witam, dziękuję za feedback. Poprawimy w kolejnej wersji:)
Failed to import gpx correctly, process was stuck at “please wait…”
Hi, please contact us at support mail. We will help to find the solution.
Thank you for solving the gpx unreadable problem so quickly.
Here is another suggestion for the text navigation (the black and white screen whose appear after clicking on the distance text below the map navigation).
I hope that the text navigation can increase the size of the distance number and direction arrows, and the text area in the middle can only display the name of the road, remove the text like “turn left toward”, these words make it difficult to see the road names displayed behind.
Hi, just got the latest pro update with new features…
Which folder does the app store/access gpx files sent over from my phone?
Also, do I need to download all offline map versions now featured eg offline POI offline routing? Concerned about the watch storage.
Thank you
Hello, the app does not have access to your phone storage. You have to send GPX data to a watch (using any app) do Downolads/gpx dir.
OFFLINE MAP – graphics data (images of buildings, streets etc.)
OFFLINE ROUTE – routing data, allows to find best connection
OFFLINE POI – list of addresses and locations of the POIs
Hello, I have watch 5 pro and I was looking for app which would enable navigation without phone so I bought pro? When will app support offline navigation?
Hi, it is aready implemented. You have to download offline map and offline routing data.
Thank you for your answer. I already downloaded offline maps MAP, offline Maps POI and offline Maps ((Route)for Slovenia? As it is when I disconect watch from phone and start app I get no connection alert and when I go to new search I got only no connection alert and no option to search.
Hi, please ignore the connection alert. In offline mode you can check the list of POIs. If you need to navigate to an address – add it to the favorite list and disconnect from the Internet. Then in offline mode – search the route and start navigation.
Hello! I bought the Pro version offline maps are not downloaded. It pumps up to 3%, sometimes up to 15%, and then the download does not go on.Galaxy watch 5 pro
Hello, smartwatch may put the app to sleep mode to limit battery usage.
Please try the following steps:
1. connect a watch to a charger
2. connect a watch to the Internet via WIFI (disable Bluetooth)
3. go to the app settings and activate Window Overlay
4. make sure you don’t have any adblock or antivirus software in your network that may block/disrupt the Internet connection
5. start downloading map and check the progress in the system Download Manager
I did everything according to the list you specified.
The fact is that the download always freezes at different percentages. I consulted with experts and everyone came to the conclusion that your server stops responding to the application request or there is an error in the application code. 700mb loads without problems, then the server stops responding. the offline map file I need has a size of 5.7 GB! It’s not real to download it, but the application is purchased by me
Hello, the map is quite large. Please uninstall the application (all temporary files will be removed) and check if you have enough space in your watch memory to download the data. If you do – repeat the steps from the previous answer.
There is enough free space, 8.2 GB
I’ve already explained to you that I’ve tried loading the map about 30 times already! And always the download stops at different%. The server stops responding and uploads data to watch 5 .
Deleted and reinstalled, updated the information about the purchased license. I gave permission to the application to work in the background, activated Windows Overlay and nothing has changed. After about 10-20 minutes, the application stops making requests to the server (apparently the code specifies a restriction on sending requests to the server) and the server, in turn, stops responding accordingly, since the application stops exchanging information with the server. Maps with a large file cannot be downloaded and installed by your application. I will post the corresponding review and this information in Google Play and App Gallery. Alas.
And there is no system download manager in the Galaxy watch 5 pro
Go to the watch home screen and swipe to the right:)
I figured that out
Which is to be expected! The application is purchased, the offline map of the region with a size of 5 GB does not allow developers to download the server. There is no answer. Bravo!
Hello, please contact us at support mail. We will help to find the solution.